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Curierul medical, AprilVol. Dgebuadze2, T. Sanikidze1, N. Manuscript received February 12, ; accepted April 02, Abstract Background: Many aspects of age-related correlation and causal relationship between the mechanical properties of red blood cells RBCs and parameters of lipid and hormonal metabolism in women are unclear till now.

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Material and methods: 58 reproductive-aged less than 45 years and 32 menopausal more than 45 years women admitted to the Central Clinic of Tbilisi State Medical University, Georgia were investigated. In each group we studied blood estradiole, free nitric oxide NO content, density of inactive form of β2-adrenergic receptors β2ARs and mechanical property of RBCs membrane. Results: In the blood of menopausal women NO content and deviation of volume DV of RBCs, reflecting their deformability, with lower density of inactivated β2ARs on the surface of RBCs membranes was greater than the corresponding parameter in the reproductive-aged women.

Conclusions: Lack of blood estrogens content in menopausal women causes the development of dislipidemia, impairment of renewal of phospholipids in RBCs membranes, decreased activity of adrenergic structures and the subsequent decrease in the NO production. These factors contribute to reducing deformability of RBCs membrane and impairment of mechanical properties of the blood.

Key words: menopause, metabolism, rotterdam prostate cancer risk calculator blood cells.

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Introduction Several studies have confirmed a direct correlation be- tween β2-adrenergic receptors β2ARs density in peripheral In the period of clinical manifestation of cardiovascular blood cells lymphocytes, erythrocytes and those in cardio- diseases lesions in blood vessels are irreversible; identification vascular tissues.

Therefore, β-adrenoceptors in peripheral of early diagnostical markers of cardiovascular diseases, types blood RBCs might be an indirect index of cardiovascular and quality of metabolic disorders causing their development tissues [4].

It is proposed that receptors of endothelium resulting in the production of the remarkable dissimilarity in morbidity and mortality due endothelial vasodilators such as nitric oxidestimulating to cardiovascular diseases in pre-menopausal women versus vessel diameter and blood flow in the microcirculation [6].

RBCs and parameters of lipid and hormonal metabolism of It was shown that the chemical composition of RBCs mem- women in reproductive and menopausal ages. A subject 19,5 with cystic disease, ovariectomy, or using hormonreplacement 19 therapy was excluded from this target group. In each group we investigated blood estradiole, nitric ox- 18,5 ide NO content, and density of inactive form of β2ARs and 18 mechanical property of RBCs membrane.

Blood free nitric oxide content in menopausal a [7].

Free nitric oxide was measured with spin-trap natrium and reproductive-aged b women. Mechanical properties of RBCs were studied according to the derivate of their volume DV determined by spectrophotometric b method.

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Lipid spectrum in peripheral blood from patients was investigated by enzyme-colorimetric method. Statistical analyses of the obtained results were performed by SPSS version The result was ob- a tained in the form of standard deviation of average values. The local ethics committee approved the protocol, Fig. Density of inactivated β2AR on the surface of rotterdam prostate cancer risk calculator membranes in menopausal a and and informed consent was obtained from all participants.

Results and discussion 0.

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This lower than in the reproductive age 1. The mechanical property deformability of RBCs depends on many parameters [10]. Due to the high deformability of the RBCs they easily change their form and are translocated in the thin 10 capillaries. So, according to the numerical value of DV Fig. Blood estradiole content in menopausal a and of RBCs we can detect their spherulation quality and therefore reproductive-aged b women. These results do not give us the opportunity to get a In menopausal women dominate senescent RBCs, which are complete picture of the development of cardiovascular di- revealed by their high spherulation quality.

In order to find feedback between parameters of menopausal women.

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Rotterdam prostate cancer risk calculator prospective analysis of the as- should be noted that HDL content in blood from women of sociation between cardiovascular disease and depression in middle-aged menopause-aged group was rotterdam prostate cancer risk calculator significantly lower, women. Red blood cell aging and than in blood of women from reproductive-aged group risk of cardiovascular diseases. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcircula- menopausal women — 3. Our research revealed the existence 3.

Our data Lipids. Clinical significance of changes in show that spherulation degree or volume of RBCs is rapidly β-adrenoreceptors in peripheral lymphocytes in patients with essential decreased at low HDL in women of reproductive age and is hypertension. Chinese Medical Journal. Extra- and This indicates the existence of estrogen-related dependence intracellular signaling rotterdam prostate cancer risk calculator under rotterdam prostate cancer risk calculator blood cell aggregation and between those two parameters.

The difference in incorpo- deformability changes.

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Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation. Regula- reproductive-aged and menopausal women is defined by tion of cAMP by phosphodiesterases in erythrocytes. Pharmacological other authors as well [11]; estrogen-dependent acylation of reports. EPR in radiobiology. The Journal of Physiol- Conclusions ogy. As it seems from the results of our study, lack of blood 9. Full dynamics a red afrodisiace pentru prostatită cell in shear Flow.

Erythrocyte sedimentation causes of the development of dislipidemia, impairment of rate: a possible marker of atherosclerosis and a strong predictor of coro- renewal of phospholipids in RBCs membranes, decreased nary heart disease mortality. European Heart Journal.

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Estrogen modulates phospho- lipid acylation in red blood cells: relationship to cell aging. Am J Physiol 2. These factors contribute to reducing deformability of Cell Physiol.

Manuscript received February 10, ; accepted April 02, Abstract Background: The complex immunological, morphological and morphometric characteristics of the tonsil papilloma. Material and methods: Patient with the tonsil papilloma was determined by flow cytofluorymeter the state of apoptosis and necrosis, and their ratio in lymphocytes and neutrophils in tonsils homogenate and peripheral blood.

Were determined the levels of lymphocyte subpopulations and their ratio.

Views: Transcription 1 1 Maximul de incidenţă este la vârstele de ani, dar CE atinge şi femeia tânără sub 40 ani. Este al IV-lea cancer genital feminin ca frecvenţă, ocupând locul 7 ca număr de decese prin cancer. ÎnCE a devenit cea mai frecventă neoplazie ginecologică în SUA cazuri noi şi de decese anualşi este pe cale să devină cancerul genital feminin cel mai frecvent în toate ţările dezvoltate [1,2].

The morphometric analysis of histological sections was performed. At the same time, the increase of number of layers and the basal surface of cells was noticed.

The cells of papillomatoze outgrowth and its neighboring areas were exposed to hyperplasia. However, the peripheral parts of the tonsil mucosa looked thinner, the number of cell layers were no more thanthe thickness of the capsule was increased to 85 micrometers [ The glycogen content in the epithelium of the papilloma was high. Conclusions: Thus, at chronic tonsillitis the sharp decrease of cell immunity and to a certain extent the conservation of humoral immunity is present.

One of the components of the pathogenesis of the disease may rotterdam prostate cancer risk calculator autoimmune processes, which create favorable conditions for the development of papillomatosis of the tonsils.

Key words: chronic tonsillitis, papilloma, morphology, immunity. Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinte a Moldovei. Ştiinţe medicale. Human papillomaviruses. Arkhiv patologii [Archives of Pathology].

MICLEA Preøedintele celui de al XXVII-lea Congres Naflional de Urologie President of the XXVII th National Congress of Urology Dragi colegi, Congresul anual al Asociafliei noastre cuprinde lucræri øtiinflifice deosebit de valoroase, ce vor fi prezentate sub formæ de postere øi de videofilme, elaborate în diverse centre, marea lor majoritate reprezentând preocupæri profesionale recente, ce lærgesc aria specialitæflii øi o impun în cadrul urologiei europene. Manifestarea noastræ reprezintæ un excelent prilej pentru a lansa Istoria Urologiei Româneøti, ediflia a II-a, pe care o vefli gæsi în mapa de congres, alæturi de alte publicaflii de specialitate.

Lowy R, Howley M. Howlly eds. Rynologia [Rinologіya]. Budchanov YuI. Kletochnyy immunitet. Tipy kletochnoy tsytotoksich- nosti. Types of cellular cytotoxicity. Tver, Chast I. Part I. Etiology, pathogenesis, dіagnostika]. Sibirskiy onkologicheskiy 15,7 14,9 1,08 16,18 14,54 0,92 zhurnal [Siberian Journal of Oncology]. Dubinina, O. Manuscript received February 10, ; accepted April 02, Abstract Background: For the first time on a large clinical material it is studied the possibility of a comprehensive survey of radiation diagnosis of patients with advanced cervical cancer.


The role of the modern methods of radiation survey in determining the prevalence of cancer was clarified. A comparative analysis of the information content of the ultrasound, CT and MRI in the diagnosis of specific lesions and retroperitoneal lymph node involvement in the pathological process of the urinary system was maid.

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The place of diagnostic imaging in the evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment for cervical cancer was established. It was studied in detail radiation pattern of complete and partial remission stabilization of disease progression as well.

Material and methods: The present paper summarizes the results of studies conducted at the radiology department clinic of Odessa National Medical University.

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The work is based on a survey of patients with advanced cervical cancer. Diagnosis of the disease in all cases was verified histologically. The age of The majority of the examinees was established stage III cervical cancer According to the histological structure squamous cancer constituted Conclusions: On the basis of the results was formulated algorithm of ray examination, practical recommendations for gynecologists.

Key words: cervical cancer, radiation semiotics, MRI, CT, ultrasound, invasion, bladder, uterus, vagina, rectum. The British Journal of Radiology. Br J Radiol. Gynecol Oncol. Berezovskaia TP. Magnetic resonance tomography in the staging of Diagnosis, Staging, and Surveil- uterine neoplasms.

Vopr Onkol. Computed tomography and Michniewicz K, Oellinger J. Diagnostic imaging in invasive cervi- magnetic resonance imaging in staging of uterine cervical carcinoma: cal carcinoma: MRI, CT and ultrasonography. An evaluation of the com- MR Imaging of Cervical Carci- puted tomographic scanner for the staging of carcinoma of the cervix. Preoperative staging of cervical Carcinoma of the cervix: role of MR imaging.

Archive for October, 2009

The value of cystoscopy and intravenous MR staging of clinical stage I and Ha urography after magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography cervical carcinoma: a reappraisal of efficacy and pitfalls. Yonsei Med J. Follen M, Levenback CF, et al. Imaging in cervical cancer. Vascular Dilatation in the Pelvis: ;98 9 Suppl Recurrent Cervical Car- Invasive carcinoma of the cinoma: Typical and Atypical Manifestations.

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In-stent restenosis in the drug rotterdam prostate cancer risk calculator stent assayed by optical coherence tomography V. Ciobanu2, G. Guagliumi1, O.
